第一次聖餐崇拜 The First Holy Eucharist

為2月1日的主日讚美主!我們舉行進入植堂新階段後第一次聖餐崇拜。由Michael McKinnon會吏長主持及講道。提醒我們早期教會在困難的社會環境中也以家庭聚會開始,鼓勵我們儘管前路艱難也努力向前。
我們特別為北美聖公會聖三一堂的兄弟姊妹的支持而感動。會吏長聯同家人Christine, Rebecca, Sarah,以及剛按立的會吏Praveen Mutalik及妻子Karen參與敬拜。他們一直為協助我們而勞碌,今次也為我們走了額外的里程,在自己的教會崇拜完結後立即走45分鐘車程,並有足夠時間準備好參與我們在下午一時半的崇拜。
這是一個確實非常特別的禮拜 – 在一個不起眼的家進行一個微小的聖禮,但因為這些主內兄弟姊妹的犧牲,我真正感受到上帝的存在。為著他們不僅幫助我們,而且也激勵著我們,我們讚美上帝 。為著我們在過去的短短幾個月建立的友誼,我們讚美上帝 。



Praise the Lord for Sunday, February 1! We celebrated our first Holy Eucharist since becoming Emmanuel Anglican Church. Archdeacon Michael McKinnon presided and preached, reminding us the beginning of the early churches in the homes of the faithful despite the hostilities around them, and cheering us on our journey despite the difficulties ahead.
We were especially moved by the support of our brothers and sisters at Holy Trinity Anglican Church. The archdeacon was joined by his family, Christine, Rebecca, and Sarah, plus the newly installed deacon Praveen Mutalik and his wife Karen. They have always gone the extra miles for us, but they did it quite literally this time and traveled for 45 minutes right after their own worship in Marlborough, even with time to spare before our service began at 1:30.
It was a very special Sunday indeed — a humble first Holy Eucharist in a humble home, but I truly felt God’s presence through the sacrifice made by these brothers and sisters in Christ. We praise God for these folks who have not only assisted us but have also inspired us. We praise God for our friendship forged just over the last few months.
Praise the Lord for His grace today, and we certainly look forward to seeing what else God has planned for this small newborn church of His in the years to come.

Praise Him!


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