10 Jul 2015


「迎向同性婚姻之衝擊」公開座談會 Open Forum: “Confronting the impacts of same-sex marriage 2015年7月11日 3:30pm 面對這不能隱瞞、不可逃避的社會風氣,及思想開放的新一代,華人教會如何堅守聖經的真理呢?梁永康主教及以馬内利堂誠意邀請波士頓區内各教會牧者、領袖、及信徒參與本公開討論。 Facing this undeniable and unavoidable social trend and an “open-minded” new generation, How do Chinese churches strive to uphold the Biblical truth? Bishop Stephen Leung and Emmanuel Anglican Church cordially invite all Chinese pastors, church leaders, and fellow Christians in the Boston area […]